Motorsnipa - Motorboat
Actually, it's not more than 100 years since we first placed a motor in a fishing boat. In Blekinge it was in 1904, a 4 horsepower Höör engine, whose value was more than 4 times the boat.
After that, the fishermen quickly realized that it was profitable, new engine types were developed, they became cheaper and more reliable. At first, you took boats that were built for sails, in the stern, spaces were cut out for the propeller and holes were drilled for the sleeve and shaft. Such a boat can be seen on plan no 103, in the 1920's it got an engine and deck. But in the drawing it is reconstructed to its sailing origin.
It did not take long until boats were built that were adapted to both engine and propellers. In addition, the shape of the boat hull was changed for the sake of bearing, both in stem and stern. For many boat builders it took time to change their eyes on the boat shape, it was only after the war as they became more motorboat builders.
Small inboard engines were also developed, suitable for small boats of 14-15 feet. One such is on plan no 34. The first was built at Hästholmen in 1951 to an inland fisherman who used the boat daily for 30 years. The boat was equipped with a 2 horsepower AW engine.
However, the boat engine was a blessing for larger boats that were heavy to handle, with a gear engine the boat could be handled safe even in rough weather. People soon began to build a cap over the engine, but very soon the entire boat was roofed with deck and spaces for the crew. Security increased significantly.
103A - Sail plan koster 'Elsie'
Colored sail plan of 16 foot koster 'Elsie'. Build 2008 in Björkenäs by Bertil and Roger Andersson. After model from Hasslö Båtvarv, plan no 94. Owner Roger Andersson, Hästö, Karlskrona.